Entity Consultation & Formation

Entity Consultation & Formation

 The Mazzanti Firm, PLLC is pro-business law firm and loves the entrepreneurial spirit of those unique individuals willing to take an idea, put in the time and effort to make it a reality and then refine and mold their vision into a thriving business. Our goal is to help these individuals by consulting with them to make sure they have all the necessary tools to succeed.

Entity ConsultationOne, if not the most, important consideration entrepreneurs face when starting a business is what type of entity is right for them. Creating the right business entity is the first step for any successful entrepreneur. There are many considerations that must be taken into account. For example, how many partners will there be, how difficult will it be to form the company, what information must be provided, what kind of tax consequences will there be, which partners will be involved in day-to-day operations (and to what extent), what kind of responsibilities will each partner have, how will we pay ourselves, should some partners receive mort compensation than others, do we want to limit the powers of certain partners, what do we do if the partners disagree on a key function of the business; there are many more questions. The Mazzanti Firm, PLLC is experienced in leading entrepreneurs down this complicated road and ensures they avoid pitfalls that can cost substantial time and money and possibly even result in complete business failure.

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With every investment, partnership or transaction, we walk you through the legal implications and consequences. Forming contracts takes extensive knowledge and discernment to ensure future success. When forming a corporation, specific laws must be followed.

Entity CreationAt the Mazzanti Firm, PLLC we know the importance of protecting your hard-earned money, assets and investments. We work with you to not only select the best entity for your business, but offer advice and strategies for protecting assets, as well. A corporation will require you to appoint directors, create by-laws, issue stock and obtain the appropriate permits for operation. You will also need to file articles of incorporation with the Arkansas Secretary of State. To become an LLC, you will also need to file articles of organization with the Arkansas Secretary of State, but additionally, and much more importantly, you will need to draft a thorough and comprehensive operating agreement. The LLC operating agreement is the single most important document and will control every aspect of the company, set forth the rights and responsibilities of every member and even control how disputes will be handled. The Mazzanti Firm PLLC walks you through each of these steps in order to optimize the formation process and helps you start strong. There are many documented cases where one wrong move in the formation process lead to exposing entrepreneurs to personal exposure and liability; we work to ensure that does not happen to you, your family or your future.

Practice Areas

  • fr-FR
  • English (UK)

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Our Location

2583 North Quality Lane
Fayetteville, AR 72703

Mailing Address: 1590 E. Joyce Blvd. #8932
Fayetteville, AR 72703

Office Hours

8AM to 5PM
Monday through Friday

Contact Us

1(479) 966-4949

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